Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Clapton Crochet Chatter AKA Hackney Knitter Knatter

I have been mentioned on a local blog so if you are local to Clapton and a crocheter let me know. And if you crochet or knit or have always wanted to know how but didn't know who to ask. Come and meet me and other nutters oops knitters on Friday mornings 10 till 12 at Clapton Salvation Army, 122 - 124 Lower Clapton Rd. That's the building behind the trees opposite Rowhill Road. There's also a coffee shop (where we host our group), and charity shop.
Free tea and coffee and hopefully a bit of a giggle.


  1. I'm coming over next week! I've been totally inspired by bog-mosses in Mayo. the colours need to be worn! I will show you my connemara socks. they are all natural but they are LOUD.

  2. Oooh, crocheters in Clapton, fantastic. I will try and get there. Look out for a short speccy slightly shy glaswegian with armed with crochet hooks

  3. I've done half my scarf already! I only started at knitter natter last week. I need more merino!! prepare to be amazed gals this Friday!


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